Years ago, for many people creating a profitable small business and earning money from their own home was an impossible dream , and yet now we know that this is not only possible but can become a lifestyle.
There are many profitable small businesses that can be started with very little resources. That yes, what is not paid with money is paid with work, because there is no business without investment . If you want to know some of the small profitable online businesses that can be done, take a few minutes to read this article.
Ways To Create Small Profitable Businesses Online
As I have mentioned on occasion, with the internet has come democratization in the business world : anyone can, from their own home, set up a small multinational at a very low cost.
You have to have certain knowledge related to the business world, and acquire some technical skills, because almost at the beginning if you don’t have many resources you will have to play the man/woman orchestra . But don’t worry, there are thousands of sites where you can acquire this knowledge and skills.
For example, Udemy is one of them, and Floqq is another one that I like the most. I encourage you to take a look at them, because they also constitute a business model that could fit you. Oh, and I also advise you to start learning English, since much of the training and quality information that you will find is in that language.
But let’s get to the heart of the matter, so that you can choose from among these types of profitable small businesses which is the one that best suits you.
Create A Blog And Monetize It
There are many people who create their own blog. Many of them end up abandoning it after a few months because they don’t know what else to contribute, and others discover that if they work something else they can professionalize it and earn money with it.
But it is not enough to create a blog and put a nice design on it. You have to update it with good content, promote it, see its evolution and find ways to monetize it.
To make money with a blog, you have several options:
- Earn money with ads , for which you must generate a lot of traffic since the click rate in the Hispanic market is much lower than in English-speaking markets.
- Earn money doing affiliate marketing , which is another very interesting option.
- Create your own products and services and promote them from your blog.
If your blog is a personal brand type blog, you can generate a series of offline opportunities such as in the field of consulting, training, conferences, etc.
Sell Ebooks
There are people who have a high level of knowledge on a subject or who simply like to write. They don’t know that they can make money with their skills. And yet there are so many people online who could buy your book if it existed!
To develop a profitable small business based on the sale of electronic books, it is as important to know how to write, taking into account that it must be something with a good number of potential readers, as knowing how to sell .
An ebook is a good way to start a business based on info products and allows you to promote the book on platforms such as Amazon or Bubok, with affiliate systems such as or even promoting the content on a blog created for the occasion in which interesting content is offered. about the same topic.
Sell Courses Online
You can have knowledge and not want to capture it in an ebook. For this reason, many people consider that selling courses online can be one of those small profitable businesses that are worth trying.
There are many people on the Internet eager to learn what others know , and this is the opportunity that many exploit. And if you decide on this business model, the video format is very interesting, although not as easy to develop technologically speaking as an ebook.
Many people like to make crafts, and after being “ victims” of free requests from family and friends, they discover that if they sold their creations they could earn a good amount of money .
Crafts ( handmade ) are a good business because a lot of investment in material is not required, since what costs the most is the work; and people can buy precisely because it is something special, unique .
If a person likes a craft, they will buy it, even if it is more expensive than what they could find in any store. Of course, keep in mind that this business model implies associated costs in logistics.
Create An Online Store With A Single Product
People unfamiliar with online business don’t want too much hassle, so an online store with a single product (if you know how to choose the right product, supplier and assigned price) may be the best way to start. There will be time to add more products to the catalogue.
Having a store with a single product is one of those small profitable businesses that can work perfectly if you do a good job of analyzing the market and its economic potential .
Be A Virtual Assistant
Many people have figured out how to make money online, and others just don’t have the time to do everything they require. Therefore, dedicating yourself to being a virtual assistant for these other people can be a good business . No more resources are needed than the work itself, and if the clients are satisfied they become permanent.
It is not difficult to find ads for people who need someone to do repetitive tasks or tasks that are not part of the core of their business, and in many cases simple, in exchange for a certain amount of money.
Because of my good experiences with her and her efficiency, I recommend Graciela Santos.
Create Web Pages
Many professionals and companies need to create corporate websites, blogs, virtual stores, etc. The problem they have is that they do not have enough knowledge, nor the desire to learn, to develop their own web page , and that is why they turn to other people to make their pages for them.
In order to cover this demand, it is only necessary to have sufficient knowledge to develop the web without problems and find clients. It can be interesting to look for other people’s ads or put your own ads, and promote yourself on the network (and outside of it) by all possible means.
Sell Photos Online
Many would be surprised at how profitable it can be to sell photos online. Of course, for someone to be willing to pay for them, it is necessary to have good photographic equipment and take quality photographs . In addition, you have to know how to diversify them in order to attract more audience.
You can set up a blog to showcase your portfolio and then search for different platforms to sell your photos on. Or you can sell them directly from your blog. You choose.
If 10 years ago someone had told you that there are many profitable small businesses with which you can earn money from home, and often only with the Internet, you would take them for crazy because that is the “utopia” that many want and few believe. what exists. Which is the one that best suits you?