How To Write An Article For Your Blog Quickly

How To Write An Article

Sometimes you’re short on time and have to write an article for your blog quickly in order to keep up with the publishing rhythm.

It doesn’t matter if you have a publication calendar with the articles more or less planned. Sometimes the bull catches you and you have to put your batteries.

So in this post I have decided to tell you what I do when I find myself in this situation, which I don’t know if it will be the best or not, but it works for me.

First Things First, Planning

Although it seems contradictory, the first thing you have to do is plan an editorial calendar , and the more detailed the better. This will allow you to have few loopholes and optimize your time in order to write an article for your blog quickly.

Please note the following:

  • Time you have.
  • Try to match your available time with your inspiration time.
  • Set specific days and times.
  • Put on each day that you have marked for your articles the specific theme that you are going to deal with in each one.

With this you will already have traveled a significant distance, because if one of these days you go “with the hour on your heels”, at least you will not have to do the work of thinking about what you write (I assure you that if you are in a hurry this work of thinking can be made eternal, or you can even get stuck).

Organize Your Ideas To Write An Article For Your Blog Quickly

I almost always use the same scheme and the same technique. The more systematized you have everything, the better in order to make the most of your time .

What I am telling you may seem very rigid, but nothing is further from reality.

By systematizing the writing of your articles you have a kind of skeleton, but then you can add more or less content, in the way you want. And if you are stuck for time, then you just have to “fill in”. We will leave creativity for another occasion.

Well, I won’t elaborate further. I tell you my system so you can write an article for your blog quickly.


Let’s see, if we want them to visit us we will have to work on our articles so that they are “findable” . This takes a bit of work and, for this reason, I told you that you have to plan the contents. If possible, with your keywords .

I will leave for another occasion to tell you how I select the keywords for my articles, although I want to make it clear to you that the combination of SEO optimization and writing an article for your blog can quickly boost your productivity .

The Technique: The Mental Map

The mind mapping technique was developed by Tony Buzan . It is a way of expressing your ideas that is very similar to how your brain works, which is why it is so widespread and so effective.

It basically consists of putting a main idea and drawing ramifications from it, which will be secondary ideas, and so on. Said like this, it may seem a bit complicated, but I assure you that when you master the technique (and it has a very short learning curve) its results are incredible.

I also leave you a link to a software called «FreeMind» , in case you prefer to work on the computer. It is free and very simple to use.

The Scheme To Write An Article For Your Blog Quickly

So that you don’t get overwhelmed with mental maps and start branching out to all parts of the world, you must have a scheme or skeleton that supports your articles .

Remember that it is about writing an article for your blog quickly, that you are almost out of time, and that you cannot afford to waste a minute. So better have a script.

You don’t have to follow this script to the letter (I already told you that my system is flexible). You can skip it if circumstances require it or if it will make you feel more comfortable with your new item. But you must have a base.

My schematic boils down to the following:

  • Main idea.
  • 3 supporting ideas.
  • 3 line paragraphs.
  • Article of 750 words more or less.

Simple, right? That’s what it’s about.

The thing about 3-line paragraphs is because you don’t read it on the internet, you scan it.

Therefore, it is important that there is no more than one main idea in each paragraph. That is, we have an idea, which we develop into 3 sub-ideas and which in turn we develop into small ideas that are framed in each paragraph.

Then, we tackle  the general script, which is nothing more than talking about it and summarizing what you have said .

I hope you don’t get stressed when you have to write an article for your blog quickly and that my formula is effective for you. And if not, you can always create your own, right?

How do you prepare to write an article for your blog quickly? Do you think my method will be useful to you? I wait for you in the comments.


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