Recommended FUND Balance Earning Games Without Ads

Recommended FUND Balance Earning Games Without Ads

A number of FUND balance generating games without ads are often sought after for the reason that ads appear which are considered quite disturbing while playing. Even though this game can make money, it doesn’t mean it is the main source of income.

It is important to note that the game is only a free time with more bonuses given from the game developers. This time, we will review what games can be played with a DANA balance as a prize. Here’s the reference:

1. Mobile Premiere League

One of the FUND-generating games that is quite popular in the community is the Mobile Premiere League, later known as MPL. This game is included in the use of free access with varying device size specifications and a minimum Android OS 5.1.

Mobile Premiere League has several game modes, which consist of Fruit Chop, Fruit Slice, Fruit Dart, and so on. Later prizes in the form of diamonds that will be given if you win the game can be exchanged for money.

2. PlayPlay

Switch to the DANA-generating game made by Injoy Technology with a storage capacity of about 29 MB. To download it, you can go to the game provider’s platform or website which can be searched through a browser engine.

The gameplay that is carried in the PlayPlay game, consists of Ludo, Cookie Crush, Ludo, and many more interesting ones. In order to get the coffers of money, you need to first exchange a thousand coins for five hundred rupiahs.

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3. Greedy Dragon

One of the well-known developers Greedy Dragon Company designed the game according to its developer, Greddy Dragon. The storage size specifications on the device range from 50 MB which means it is quite light for a smart phone.

The gameplay offered, players must be able to fight dragons as enemies to achieve victory, aka not to lose. Later the points obtained from the winnings can be exchanged in the form of money via PayPal first.

4. Spin The Wheel

The next DANA balance generating game is called Spin The Wheel with a storage specification of 60 MB. Spin The Wheel itself is quite suitable to be played by fans of the wheel spin game, because that is the game mode.

In addition to having a spinning wheel gameplay, Spin The Wheel can also generate funds by inviting friends. Where the results of the friend’s invitation are in the form of tokens which can later become money.

5. Game Maker

App and Game Maker as the developer, released a game that generates FUND balance without ads called Game Maker. The memory size specification provided is 40 MB with a minimum operating system of 5.1, a maximum of 5.1.

The features in it are quite diverse, which can make any player not bored while playing it. To be able to make money is not limited to winning games, but referral codes can also be complementary.

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6. DO

Who would have thought that a game that is already quite popular among the public can give prizes in the form of FUND balances to its players. There are about eighty games in it with advanced features that will help later.

In addition, the game can not only be played individually but can also be played with friends as well as having fun. It is important to note that to convert into cash, you must first install the Lucky Miner software as a balance conversion application.

7. Game Fortnite

Epic Games developed a game with gameplay in the form of a battle royal that can make money. The interface and features in the application are quite capable so that it is not difficult to win games in various age groups.

Although at the beginning the points obtained are still few, but if they are often played, it is possible that they will increase. With increasing levels, the number of points converted in the game can tend to be more.

8. Play Gamer

Big Claps released a game based on balance collectors under the name Play Gamer which has various tasks to earn money. Among them are watching videos that are given for thirty seconds, inviting friends, and playing available mini games.

The tasks that need to be completed are fairly easy so that they don’t burden players, including winning mini games in Play Gamer. To be able to install this balance generating application, make sure the storage space on your mobile device is about 40 MB free.

9. Gamee Prizes

Not inferior to minigames, Gamee Prizes made by Gamee developers can be considered as money-making games. Where players need to collect enough points so that the conversion of funds will not be small later.

For those who are interested can provide storage space with a size of approximately 30 MB and make sure the OS is at least 5.1. If the space capacity has not been provided as well as the operating system, it is feared that Gamee Prizes cannot be downloaded.

Those are a number of FUND balance generating games without ads that have been recommended by most users or players before. Don’t forget to always pay attention to the specifications whether or not they are compatible with each mobile device to avoid download failures.

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