Blogging Tips for Beginners

blogging tips
If your blog is the foundation of your personal branding business, you should devise some Blogging Tips for Beginners to help you convert viewers into buyers . Without this strategy you will miss the first step.

The first step towards conversion is to generate relevant content for your audience and show them that you know what you are talking about. And that, my friend, comes from having good planning.

MY Blogging Tips

I want to tell you about my strategies to write in a blog, the ones that are currently working for me to be constant in generating ideas and publishing.

It’s not the first blog I’ve started, and I think I’ve learned from my mistakes. And that I still have a lot to learn. But the movement is demonstrated by walking, don’t you think?

Good Keyword Analysis

A few days ago Enric Suárez spoke in his guest article about  how to perform keyword analysis .

This part is fundamental, because in addition to being a source of ideas, it is what will really help you align your content to what your audience is looking for .

It is useless for you to make an effort to write and write if later nobody searches for the content you generate. In other words, your content can be very good, but if it is not optimized to be found, your blog will be a desert and you will end up abandoning it.

Another very important thing is that generating optimized content for search engines is a continuous source of passive visits to your blog , which will also increase as you publish.

If you rank well for 7 keywords that potentially attract 100 visits per month each, you will have 700 visits per month. And as you publish more optimized articles, more visits.

This is one of the strategies to write in a blog that has worked best for me and that motivates me the most, because you will see the result after a few weeks.

Brainstorm Ideas

In addition to the keywords, you should have a notebook or any other support (voice recorder, mobile or tablet notes, etc.) where you will collect your ideas for new articles.

One of my strategies to write in a more powerful blog is this that I am going to tell you: it is not only about generating ideas, but about putting them in common with the keywords that are the result of your research .

This strategy is brutal, because on the one hand there are your ideas and on the other the keywords, that is, quality content plus optimized content. The best combination!

By the way, if you want your ideas to be truly powerful when it comes to materializing them in articles, I recommend that you base yourself on the ideas of your target audience and your competition .

Search other blogs, forums, Facebook groups, books that deal with your subject, magazines… Take advantage of the market research of others and give it your personal touch.

Inspirational Moments

In my first projects, I wrote my articles almost out of obligation. Let’s see, I didn’t have anyone encouraging me to write, but I put pressure on myself and that nullified my creativity.

Within my strategies to write in a blog, another one that has been giving me very good results is to look for my moments of inspiration and take advantage of them to generate content . I assure you that it has triggered my creativity and my productivity by 200%, which means that I am much more motivated and will prevent me from becoming part of that 95% of blogs that are abandoned .

In my case, when I wake up in the morning and late at night, my peaks in creativity occur .

I distribute them in the following way: I leave the nights to collect ideas, validate them and create mental maps that will later serve as an outline for the articles; the mornings to write the articles and optimize them.

Publication Calendar

I tend to be quite strict with the publication schedule. Not so much in the hour as in the days.

Another of the strategies to write in a blog is, precisely, to define the publication frequency and assign it specific days . I try to keep the time the same, but sometimes the bull catches me.

For me it is very important to have several articles in the chamber, written in advance, as it allows me to have a plan B in case my time is compromised with other priorities.

WordPress helps me a lot with this, as it allows you to store articles and then schedule their publication. Sometimes I even leave articles half done, in draft, to later finish them little by little.

Record Progress

This is not in itself one of my strategies to write in a blog, but it is a very powerful technique to keep me motivated and at the same time to be aware of what is happening in the blog.

I have a spreadsheet in which I record the evolution of my indicators , such as visits to the blog, the position in the Alexa ranking , the number of subscribers to my mailing list…

Not that it directly helps me write more, but it helps. When the numbers are good, it’s an adrenaline rush; when they’re not that good, it’s a good time to roll up your sleeves and see what happens.

These are my strategies to write in a blog. Which are yours?


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