Start streaming to watch your favorite movie, series, music video, songs, photos, and other shared media with the free online streaming sites! You stream content when there is a continuous flow of data either audio or video while you are already using the earlier parts. The best example of streaming is on YouTube where the video or songs you listen to are in process while you are still watching it.


Sometimes looking for the best free online streaming sites can be a challenge because of so many fake ads on the internet. Also, there are poor-quality videos and audio that totally destroy the watching experience. Worry no more, below are the top streaming sites available online today.




One of the main reasons why people have Crackle in their saved tabs is because of the hundreds of movies available on the site. It has popular movies and award-winning TV shows. The best thing is that you can watch it on all of your devices like Roku, Android phones and tablets, Xbox, Apple/Smart TV, iPhone, and more anytime, anywhere.



The edge of Alluc from Crackle is the download option. It has more than 80 million streaming links that you can use. It works as a search engine for movies and other videos over the internet. With one movie search, there can be more than 100 videos available for you to choose from! It is fast, it has an easy interface, it is compatible with many devices, and it offers many choices of video qualities.



It’s probably one of the most famous sites for free online streaming there is. 123movies has so many genres. The movies, documentaries, and tv shows are sorted by category for easier search. Today, 123movies is the fastest free-moving site on the internet.



Popcornflix adds new movies every single day. They partner with Screen Media Ventures so the updates of new shows just don’t stop. It is home to more the 1,500 movies in varying genres such as drama, action, comedy, family, and foreign films with subtitles.

Unlike other streaming sites, Popcornflix doesn’t require an account. Just hit play and there goes your free movie! It supports Apple TV, Roku, Amazon, Xbox, and Google play.



Some people watch movies and some others prefer marathons. If you love binge-watching TV series, this free streaming site is perfect for you. It has a new and classic TV series.


Viewster is another free site for streaming movies online. One of the edges of Viewster from the sites mentioned above is the addition of Anime and web shorts. Some of the TV series and movies found in Viewster are fairly unique and one of a kind. The thing about Viewster is the ads in between the movies. It can be a hassle sometimes when ads just pop out in the climax!



ProjectFreeTV is easily one of the oldest streaming sites. It has been around since 2007 and since then, the site traffic has increased tremendously. It is one of the easiest sites to use as well. You just click and watch. It has no third parties, redirects, and other hassles that most sites have. It is also compatible with almost all devices and the videos are in full HD. Since it’s fairly older than most, it has the biggest movie catalog of all time!

Stop being caught between streaming and downloading movies online. With streaming, you can watch right away, easier access via web browser, and you can even share the movies to your friends via links!

Stream now and enjoy your home theater experience!


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