5 Ways to Kick Stress and Start Relaxing

Many people are stressed out these days. It can be due to work, home, relationships, or any number of things, but stress is an inevitable part of life. Stress doesn’t necessarily need to be a bad thing, as the body releases certain chemicals during stressful situations to help you stay alert and give you extra energy.

Problems arise when stress becomes chronic, or you constantly feel anxious.

Most of us understand how stress affects the body (headaches, upset stomach, etc.), but it’s just as important to know that stress can affect you psychologically.

These issues are much harder to deal with than headaches and upset stomachs, which can be treated with painkillers and antacids. There are several things you can do to help reduce your stress and anxiety. Let us look at 5 ways to kick stress and start relaxing as recommended by the best psychiatrist in Bhopal:

Meditate for 10 Minutes Every Morning

When we’re stressed, we tend to neglect our mental health. Since meditation is such an incredibly easy way to relax and clear your mind, all it requires is 10 minutes of free time. Meditation has been proven to help reduce stress and anxiety.

Each night before bed, set the timer on your phone for five minutes. When the alarm goes off, try to clear all thoughts from your head.

Imagine there is water above your head in a giant shower, washing away any remaining negativity or problems that are bothering you before you go to sleep. Regular meditation practice will help you stay grounded when faced with stressful situations during the day.

Take a Deep Breath

This one seems obvious, but you’d be surprised how often people simply forget to breathe. When stressed, our brains are flooded with the “fight or flight” response that makes us want to get up and flee from whatever is bothering us. The problem is, of course, that there’s no place to run when it’s just you in your bedroom late at night.

If only taking deep breaths were as simple as reminding yourself to do so! There are three different types of breathing techniques for dealing with anxiety: belly breathing (breathing in deeply until you feel your stomach rise), counting slowly while exhaling, and controlled breathing (inhale through the nose while imagining positive images, exhale through the mouth while thinking about negative images going away). All three of these techniques can help calm you down when you’re feeling anxious.

Take a Day Off from Work Every Week

Although it may seem counterintuitive to not work when trying to stop being stressed out, a day off once a week can do wonders for your sanity. When we spend so much time at work every day, there’s no way for us to decompress before going back in on Monday morning fully refreshed and ready to go get back to work again. Taking one day per week allows our brains to relax and recover before diving into another stressful week at the office.

Clear Your Head with Journaling

While simply taking a day off from work may help clear your head, you can go one step further and write about any issues that are bothering you. Not only does journaling provide a way to remove those problems from your mind for a short period, but it also helps later on when you’re trying to come up with solutions.

When writing in your journal, try to describe what is going on as clearly as possible without letting negative emotions creep into the picture. Remember that this isn’t a letter you’re going to send to anyone or anything; it’s simply a document for yourself so you can make sense of events as they happen.

Get Into Gardening/DIY Projects/Anything Creative

Some people suffer from anxiety due to their inability to express themselves creatively. These people may try to write, but it always comes out sounding like they’re writing reports at work rather than sharing an abstract idea of who they are with the world. These people don’t necessarily need to find a unique outlet for their creativity; the most important thing is finding something creative and sticking with it for an extended period so you can develop your skills.

When starting any project, just take it one small step at a time. Begin by buying the cheapest supplies you can find, and then use those supplies to create one piece before splurging on more expensive items next time.

This prevents you from spending too much on supplies for one project that you may not even like and gives you time to figure out what it is that interests you about this creative process.

Final Words

These tips should help you feel less stressed and anxious no matter what’s going on.  Remember that you can’t be hyper-alert 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; your brain needs to relax now and then for you to function properly.

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