Gender Inequality in the Workplace

Gender inequality is still a reality in California (and the U.S as a whole) despite the progress made over the years. This form of inequality spans from unequal pay to discrimination against and harassment- women bear the brunt of it all.

The good thing is that most companies are keen on promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Women and minority groups, particularly women of color, have access to equal opportunities thanks to the employment law in California.


Gender Inequality in the Workplace

Gender inequality occurs when an organization or a company treats employees differently, based on their gender. In most cases, women, transgender people, and other gender identities besides males are the typical victims of gender inequality. However, men can also be victims of gender inequality. In simple terms, companies that practice gender inequality have male-dominated and discriminatory work environments where gender minorities are treated unequally and are considered inferior.

Most companies ignore or overlook gender inequality practices thanks to archaic cultures, personal biases, and more. That said, it is time the vice is addressed. The law states that all employees, regardless of gender–including LGBTQIA, should be treated fairly and equally. every gender equally, whether men, women, or trans. The common equality rights that should be observed in the workplace include:

  • Eliminating the gender pay gap;
  • Equal benefits for all genders.
  • Equal consideration for the needs of all employees.
  • Equal opportunities, such as promotions, and rewards for all workers – not just men.

Employees shouldn’t be subjected to discrimination in the workplace because of their gender or gender transformation.


Signs of Gender Inequality in the Workplace

Maintaining a work-life balance is important for the sanity and health of every employee, but things can get troublesome when an employee is discriminated against or subjected to workplace inequality. The following are some of the signs of gender inequality:

Unequal pay

The gender pay gap is a reality in most companies but it should be done away with because all employees are entitled to receive equal pay for similar jobs.

Biased Hiring/ Recruitment

This occurs when one gender is favored over the other and it’s sometimes committed subtly. For instance, enquiring about the status of a job applicant’s marriage or stereotyping gender roles is considered biased hiring.

Unequal Opportunities

Every company must have equal opportunities for every employee irrespective of gender.


Terminating women because of raising their voices against unequal treatment without verifying their claims.

Unconscious Biases

Favoring a particular gender, such as promoting men more than women.

Sexual Harassment and Sexism

Making sexual advances toward women in the workplace is unethical, and shameful, and is misconduct that shouts gender inequality. Unfortunately, sexual harassment can go unnoticed and unspoken for a long.

Employer should put their feet down when it comes to sexual harassment at work by implementing strict anti-harassment policies. Stereotyping women in the workplace should be discouraged if you intend to prevail against gender inequality.


Promoting Gender Equality at Work

What’s the best way of eliminating gender inequality in the workplace? Being vocal about it and creating awareness. Inequality can occur in many: discrimination against one gender, such as when hiring, training failing to give benefits to pregnant mothers, sexual harassment at work, and more. This vice creates discomfort for gender minorities and can impact their output and mental health. That said, every employer must ensure that the workplace is free from such discomfort and is safe for all. Below are some tips to help employers create a workplace environment free of gender bias:


  1. Creating Awareness about Unconscious Gender Bias

People unconsciously have biases and prejudices towards minorities, particularly women when it comes to employment. This is why employers should ensure employees, including managers are trained and aware of the negative effects of gender inequality. Creating awareness and training about gender biases help workers identify discriminatory behavior and avoid it. Also, the workers can voice call out the perpetrators of this vice to promote equality in the workplace.

  1. Appoint a Diverse Recruitment Team

A good recruitment team should be diverse, and inclusive, and should focus on hiring more women and promoting them to top positions. Research shows that shortlisting candidates for an open position promotes gender diversity and allows recruiters to think beyond stereotypes. For the best results, the HR department should be constantly trained on how to avoid gender inequality during hiring and promotion.

  1. Conduct timely audits and make salaries transparent

Every employer should ensure that the rule of equal pay is observed to eliminate the pay gap. This promotes workplace equity and plays a significant role in enhancing diversity in the workplace.


Companies that prioritize the advancement of women and gender equality have a lot to gain. That said, employers should ensure all genders are treated fairly and equally.




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